
The spotlights will focus on topics related to the compilation of a comprehensive image dataset suitable to use as a basis for further environmental data analysis.

Spotlight: Artificial Images

Artificial images result from mathematical operations on image data. The operations are pixel or neighborhood based.

Spotlight: Land-cover Classification

Classifications aim in grouping pixel values into homogeneous categories. The categories can be defined a priori or posteriori whichever supervised or unsupervised classification model is used.

Spotlight: Scientific Article

Scientific articles are one way to communicate your science to peers. This includes not only your scientific results, but also the question that drove you in the first place and the methods and workflow you used to come to your conclusions.

Spotlight: Spatial variable selection and prediction

The appropriate collection of training data is essential for all monitored classifications. In theory, the rules to be followed are simple, but it is often difficult to achieve a robust, practical application.
