Remote Sensing in Environmental Research and Conservation

Discuss the role of remote sensing in environmental research and nature conservation, get familiar with the concept of the Nature 4.0 project and it’s study area Marburg Open Forest, the forest are of Marburg University which provides an open space for research and education.

Remote sensing in scientific literature

Remote sensing has many flavors and fields of application. To get a better idea of this, the following links will route you to journal homepages where you can explore some of the latest publications:

Picture of many papers.
Photo: CC0 via

If you are particularly interested in remote sensing of biodiversity, this site is a good starting point: Remote Sensing Biodiversity

Integrating research and education

The philosophy of this course interlinks real world science with the education program. The problems you will solve during this course are real world problems and the solutions you will provide might make an actual contribution to ongoing research activities. The next section will introduce you to the Nature 4.0 project on sensing biodiversity.
