Project 1: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Design a project aiming in the computation of a comprehensive image collection for tree delineation, species prediction, and heterogeneity mapping.

Learning objectives

At the end of your project you should be able to

  • process optical data to compile a comprehensive dataset for your area of interest,
  • compute artificial images which highlight spectral, structural or spatial properties,
  • design and implement medium complex workflows related to artificial image computations,
  • work in teams on short-term projects and use collaborative project and software development tools,
  • sufficiently document your code and analysis workflow for re-usability and scientific review,
  • communicate your work in a poster presentation.

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Science is a communication process aiming in creating knowledge based on existing one. This social process requires a transparent discussion of findings within the scientific community and between this community and other social groups. One key aspect is the sufficient documentation of the analysis workflow and its underlaying data basis. If both information is available, the community can cross-check and validate the analysis results and foster knowledge generation by building upon the these results. Keep this in mind while working on your project. As a starting point for further reading we recommend the recommendations on good scientific practice as published in the white paper on this topic by the German Science Foundation. And do not follow the documentation example below.
