
4.3 Data collection

Overall, the data collection should cover the following aspects:
  • Standardised sampling protocols
  • Carrying out the experiments, observations, measurements, simulations, etc.
    • at the same time: metadata collection and creation
    • at the same time: documentation of the data collection
  • Generation of digital raw data (e.g. by digitising or transcribing)
  • Storage of the data in a uniform format
  • Systematic and consistent folder structure
  • Backup and management of data
It is important to create an experimental design in advance with a collection strategy on which data will be collected (What? Where? When? Who? How?) including calibration, controls, repetitions, randomisation, etc. You need to determine suitable metadata standards and methodologies, and to consider how and where to store the data and how to capture provenance (e.g. of samples and instruments). Be always aware of the data quality. If you work with sensitive, confidential, or human-related data, consider aspects such as permissions or consent, data protection, and data security.
In addition, errors occurring during data collection affect the downstream research process and in the worst-case lead to incorrect results without notice. This makes it all the more important to be careful during the data collection phase.

User Image: daehne
[daehne] - 4. Січ 2024
Ich fände hier einen Hinweis darauf, dass man sich schon bei der Wahl der sampling protocols ggf an dem Repo orientieren muss, das man auswählt (siehe Pangea mit sehr ausgefeilten Formularen) ganz hilfreich . Oder eine Verknüpfung zu, da steht dann z. B.: To decide which standard to use, you can have a look at the repository where you want to deposit your data, to see if they have guidelines, checklists or best practices. Beim hin und her springen ist mir noch aufgefallen, dass der Bereich Data Collection viel stärker aufgedröselt ist als die anderen Punkte, vielleicht besser zwei daraus machen?