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OER Guidelines


Philipps-University Marburg

Content Overview

This guideline is structured as follows:

Basics of publishing OER

The aim of the free licensing of OER is to cover the five R-freedoms in the best possible way. [anc name=“aim”]#[/anc]These are:
  • Retain: Copies of content can be retained for personal archives or reference - the right to make, own, and control copies of the content 
  • Reuse: Content can be reused in its unaltered original format - the right to use the content in a wide range of ways 
  • Revise: Content can be modified or altered to suit specific needs - the right to adapt, adjust, modify, or alter the content itself
  • Remix - Content can be adapted with other similar content to create something new- the right to combine the original or revised content with other material to create something new
  • Redistribute - Content can be shared with anyone else in its original or altered format - the right to share copies of the original content, your revisions, or your remixes with others
Creative Commons licenses are not the only, but the best-known and most widespread option for free licensing of materials, which is why we generally recommend the use of CC licenses.
These freedoms cannot be guaranteed equally well with every license, and with some licenses it is sometimes unclear what degree of freedom is actually associated with them. We therefore recommend using the CC-BY license (see next page).
Very important: In Germany, it is not possible to transfer your own copyright. So no matter which license you choose for your material, you remain the author in any case!
Sharing educational content has a lot of potential. However, you should be aware that the publication of OER is a publication on the World Wide Web. This brings with it certain implications:
  • Once content has been published on the Internet, it cannot be completely deleted.
  • All legal aspects relating to the use of materials that have not been specially created must be taken into account:
  • The limitation rules (cf. UrhG §60a) for the educational context do not apply to the use of non-owned material because it is a worldwide publication.
  • With very open licenses, it is possible that third parties may use your documents in a way that you do not anticipate or with which you do not agree; for example, to use them for commercial purposes. Therefore, a careful choice of license is a very important step when publishing OER.
  • Creators are only free to choose the license for their own material. As soon as third-party material is part of the material to be published, all interests of all parties involved must be taken into account.
  • In principle, OER may not be shared more widely than intended by the parties involved, i.e. a freer license may never be granted for a material than for the original work.
  • The user agreements of the platform on which you share your content always apply. 
This guide provides you with assistance for the use, creation and publication of your content as OER in order to ensure a good fit between your interests and the above-mentioned implications. For legal advice, please contact the Legal Department of the Philipps University of Marburg.
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