ILIAS-Upgrade auf Version 8 ILIAS wird am Dienstag, den 06.08.2024, in der Zeit von ca. 9 Uhr bis voraussichtlich 16 Uhr nicht erreichbar sein. Wir werden in dieser Zeit ein geplantes, großes Update zur Verbesserung der zentralen Lernplattform durchführen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis für eventuelle Unannehmlichkeiten, die durch diese Unterbrechung entstehen.


Game Design with ILIAS

Games succeed in long-lasting motivation of the players.  They often create a very strong immersion in which the players are intensively engaged with a content. Achieving such immersion and motivation in learning contexts is something that many teachers wish for. Learn how you can use game-based elements in your teaching design with the help of the learning platform. Each topic block gives you an insight into the didactic background and information on implementation. The blocks can also be used independently of each other. 
The explanations in this information section are based on the English-language work "The Gamification of Learning and Instruction - Game-Based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education" by Karl Kapp. In the material section you will find this and other works that support you in using game design elements for your teaching. 
Many of the elements presented here can be implemented with the page editor in ILIAS. Learn in the Design section about the page editor's basic functionality.
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