

By awarding points, it is possible to quantify progress or a ranking (for example, in comparison with other players). Through this, motivation can be maintained if, for example, the achievement of a certain number of points is accompanied by a reward or a goal is considered to have been fulfilled. Since many of the scenarios of gamification are strongly related to self-learning, some tools can be used well for awarding points that are rather inappropriate in an assessment context.

Points in Tests

In tests, the points for individual tasks can be added automatically. Furthermore, the results can be displayed in different levels of detail at the end. At the moment there is no possibility to automatically add the points of a test with points from other tests. This would have to be managed in a separate overview. Another possibility to get an overview of the results from several tests is the learning goal oriented course.
In the learning-objectives driven course you cannot map the achieved points, but you can map the percentage progress of a learning goal (barometer). In tests with a total of 100 achievable points, the percentage display can map the score.
Furthermore, it is possible to use the course view of the learning goal oriented course to let learners document their score themselves. This can be realized, for example, through self-assessment questions or questions in the format of a checklist.
Example: I have done task X and scored X/5 points there.

Implementation with Exercise

In the Exercise you can create several exercise units with different delivery formats. The units themselves cannot be awarded points, but by using a few functions you can still achieve point awards:
  • Points in title or description
  • Units as "mandatory
  • Points awarded in the form of grade in the evaluation view
  • An automatic evaluation as "pass" can be set (automatic pass on submission)
Such scenarios are particularly suitable if you want to ensure that exercises should be completed to a certain extent, but the content can be chosen by the user. In the game, this could represent the completion of a certain value of tasks before the level-up. On a didactic level, such a design offers a high potential for individualization and can promote the independence of learners.

Implementation with Preconditions

In similar fashion, you can use preconditions to assign such a selection of tasks tied to points. Here you can also choose whether a certain number of preconditions must be met. For the automatic evaluation, it is recommended to define the preconditions as equal in terms of score, so that the achievement of points can be mapped by the number of fulfilled preconditions.
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