Glossary of ILIAS tools



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Begriff Definitionen
blog Blogs enable the writing of individual posts or grouped posts. Posts can be tagged by keywords and are sorted by date. Through the subscription function, interested persons can be informed about the …
booking pool The booking pool enables the reservation of items with or without a timetable, for instance to reserve presentation topics or to borrow an item. Anonymous and publicly visible reservations are possib…
chat Tip: If you want to use the chat and do other things in ILIAS at the same time, open the chat in a separate window or tab. This is usually done by right-clicking on the object.
content page A content page is an ILIAS object available since the update to version 5.4. The content page is created on course, group or folder level. It is equivalent to a page in the learning module, with the …
data collection Data collections enable the joint creation and editing of tables. For that various formats for fields are provided. Filling the table happens in a clear entry-form mode. Single entries can be evaluat…
etherpad The etherpad enables the simultaneous editing of a document. In a chat it is possible to exchange information via text. Each author has a color which indicates authorship. The etherpad offers a few b…
exercise Exercises help organizing tasks and submissions: you can set the timing for submissions, give feedback via text, email, or file, change the passing status and grades, organize your notes on submissio…
file With a file object you can provide files of any kind, do low threshold version management and with the aid of file descriptions create overviews. Files can be used for providing material as well as f…
flashcard training Flashcard Training is a study tool for content memorization. By "migrating" memorized terms through five compartments, the long term memory is stimulated and study effectiveness increased. Flashcard …
Forum In a forum you can jointly sort questions and answers by topic. Furthermore, there is a subscription function. Forums can be used to document and analyze questions and exchanges and therefore offer s…
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