ILIAS-Upgrade auf Version 8 ILIAS wird am Dienstag, den 06.08.2024, in der Zeit von ca. 9 Uhr bis voraussichtlich 16 Uhr nicht erreichbar sein. Wir werden in dieser Zeit ein geplantes, großes Update zur Verbesserung der zentralen Lernplattform durchführen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis für eventuelle Unannehmlichkeiten, die durch diese Unterbrechung entstehen.



Symbolbild für eine Dokumentenseite mit Stift
Wikis allow the creation of interconnected wiki pages. They offer wiki navigation; statistics of usage and page creation allow to reconstruct the process and if necessary to roll back certain steps. Page templates can be created, notifications about changes can be enabled and an HTML-export as well as a printing preview are offered. In wikis pages can be rated; for this rating categories can be added.
Wikis are inherently digital instruments for joined collection and contextualization of information. They are designed to allow users to work together on illustrating and checking content.
Since the videos are in German, please follow the English descriptions below.
  1. Select “Add New Item” and choose “Wiki”.
  2. Name your wiki and create a title for the front page.
  3. Confirm your entries by clicking “Add Wiki”.
  1. Change to the edit mode of the respective text box.
  2. Select the word you want to add a new wiki page for.
  3. By clicking on “[[Wiki]]” it is noted that a new page is supposed to be added.
  4. Confirm your selection by clicking on “Safe and Return”.
  5. By clicking on the word highlighted in red the new wiki page will automatically be added.
In the section “What Links Here?” you can see which pages refer to the linked page.
Select “Edit” on the corresponding page. Now you can fill it with content.
  1. Select the gear symbol behind “Wiki Navigation” and select “Edit”.
  2. Now opens a drop down menu where you can select the page that is supposed to be shown. Confirm your selection by clicking on “Add”.
  3. You can change the order and indent by clicking on “Save Order and Indentation”.
  1. Select ”Settings” under “Wiki Functions” on the right hand side.
  2. Activate “Enable Page Overview Block". Confirm your changes by clicking on “Save”.
  1. Select the tab “History” to track changes.
  2. Select the button on the left side and click on “Compare Selected Revisions”. This way different stages of the wiki can be compared.
  1. Select “Settings” under “Wiki functions”.
  2. Activate “Enable Rating for Pages”. Confirm your choice by clicking on “Save”.
In the tab "Statistics" you can find comprehensive information on the creation and usage of the different wiki pages. Here you can select and filter by various criteria. 
click here for German version