
Philipps University of Marburg

Where can more OER be found?

Further OER can be found via search engines specialized in OER. These usually work as referetories and thus provide a redirect to the respective OER. A larger search engine is OERSI, OER from Hessian universities can be found well with the OER-Späti of the HessenHub.
OERSI is a search engine specialized in OER and operates as a forwarding service. OERSI stands for "Open Educational Resources Search Index" and connects OER repositories of distributed state initiatives, institutional repositories of universities and libraries, and subject repositories. Thus, it provides a central search entry point. OERSI was developed as a jointly initiated project by the University Library Center of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Technical Information Library as an open source-based service.
The OER-Späti is a result of the HessenHub project, which has been running since 2019 and supports Hessian universities in their transformation to digitally supported teaching and learning scenarios. The OER-Späti can be used to search the OER offered at hessian universities; a wide range of OER content for students and teachers can be found.

Where can I find more information on OER?

More info on OER is available on various OER portals, in OER forums, and through offerings such as newsletters and blogs, which are briefly introduced in this section.
The project "OERinfo | Community Portal for Open Educational Resources (OER)" has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research since March 2023. The goal is to strengthen and expand the OERcommunity. To this end, OERinfo provides infrastructures for disseminating and making available meta-OER, engages in community building and competence development in the field of OER, and ensures an increase in the visibility of the topic through a variety of information and communication formats.
OERinfo offers a newsletter, which summarizes current blog articles, planned series and contributions, and events. In addition, OERinfo offers a blog where news about the topic OER is presented, but not individual OER.
OER FAQ collects common questions and answers about OER. In total, there are nearly 250 questions and answers from reliable sources. Whether you are looking for a definition of OER, for the meaning of different free licenses from Creative Commons or you have questions about licensing free educational materials in higher education, answers can be found in the OER FAQ!
"HessenHub - Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre Hessen" ("Network digital university teaching Hesse", formerly "Digitally Supported Teaching and Learning in Hesse") is a Hesse-wide collaborative project that has been running since 2019 and involves thirteen universities in Hesse. The goal is to develop innovative concepts for digitally supported teaching and to support teachers in the creation of digital learning content; OER are an essential part of this.
Twillo is a portal and referetorium for OER and is primarily aimed at teachers at universities in Lower Saxony who can provide educational materials with a portal account, but also at all other interested parties, especially staff from the fields of didactics and e-learning as well as students. Twillo offers a blog on news about OER, furthermore three OER of the month are linked on the homepage every month.
The word "twillo" comes from the Low German word "twill" and describes the branching of twigs and branches. Thus, twillo stands for the diverse possibilities of adapting and further developing the materials provided.
The Cooperation Network OER-Promoting Infrastructures and Services (KNOER) is an association of mandated state institutions that advance, coordinate, and network digitally supported teaching and learning in their respective state universities. the network is based in Rhineland-Palatinate, but focuses on cross-state collaboration, networking and synergies, and the promotion of cooperation perspectives.
open book, link to OER area of UMR
road with goal post, link to OER Recommendation
magnifying glass, link to OER outside of UMR
award cup, link to OER Award Info page